At our clinic you will receive specialist care from our team. We understand that gynaecological concerns can cause anxiety and are very personal, so please be assured we will do our best to help you feel relaxed and comfortable.

Female Pelvic Scan 

A pelvic ultrasound is a detailed gynaecological examination to evaluate the organs and structures within the female pelvis.

The pelvic scan evaluates the uterus (womb), endometrium (the lining of the uterus), cervix and ovaries. Gynaecological problems are very common. The most common reasons women are referred for pelvic scans are bleeding, pain, irregular periods and fertility reasons. 

A pelvic ultrasound scan can be performed in two ways. 

Transabdominal Ultrasound 

This scan is performed by using a small amount of gel on the lower abdomen, this allows good contact with your skin. The ultrasound transducer is then moved in different directions across your pelvis. It requires a full bladder, usually one litre an hour prior to your scan. The full bladder moves your bowel out of the pelvis helping better visualisation.

Transvaginal Ultrasound 

This is an internal examination and involves placing a sterile, covered tube shaped transducer into the vagina. The internal ultrasound scan is not dissimilar to a gynaecological examination, but the transducer is significantly smaller than a speculum used during a smear test. 

This method provides more information and a clearer picture as the transducer is closer to the organs due to being inserted into the vagina. The internal ultrasound is usually more comfortable and better tolerated than a gynaecological examination. 

This is the preferred choice of ultrasound examination as the transvaginal scan gives superior views of the pelvic organs. A transvaginal scan is routinely performed unless you feel it is not appropriate for you or you have never had vaginal sexual intercourse or an internal examination by your Doctor. 

Reasons for having a pelvic ultrasound include: 

  • Infertility 

  • Painful Intercourse 

  • Bloating/Discomfort 

  • To exclude ovarian tumours 

  • Abnormal blood tests 

  • Spotting between periods 

  • To check the coil is in the correct location 

  • Effects of HRT or Tamoxifen treatment 

  • Fertility Scans 

  • Pelvic Pain 

  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 

  • Irregular, frequent or heavy periods 

  • Absent Periods 

  • Endometriosis 

  • Endometrial Polyps 

  • Bleeding after the menopause 

  • Fibroids 

  • Ovarian Cysts 

  • Polycystic Ovaries 

Cost: €180

Fertility Ultrasound

Approximately 1 in 6 couples in Ireland experience difficulty conceiving a pregnancy. Infertility is defined as not being able to conceive after one year or longer of regular unprotected intercourse. Fertility declines with age, so many Doctors will investigate women aged 35 years or older after 6 months without conceiving.

At Galway Ultrasound Specialists we can perform ultrasound examinations, if you are trying to conceive naturally, undergoing fertility treatment abroad or if it is inconvenient for you to travel long distances to your treatment clinic for ultrasound scans.

A baseline scan for infertility issues is generally recommended, this will include a detailed assessment of your ovaries, uterus and endometrium to exclude any abnormalities which are preventing conception.

Your GP or Fertility Specialist may recommend a follicle tracking scan to assist with conceiving a baby. The main purpose of a follicle tracking scan is to ensure you are ovulating and producing eggs. Ultrasound will demonstrate and monitor follicle activity and ensure follicles are maturing. These follicles are small fluid filled sacs that should contain an egg.

Follicle tracking is recommended on Day 9 of your menstrual cycle and at 1 to 2 day intervals. 3 follicle tracking scans are usually required.

Follicle tracking scans measure the size of any active follicles, this can estimate when ovulation is likely to occur and will increase and maximise the chances of conceiving naturally.

If you are undergoing fertility treatment and taking medication to stimulate your ovaries, we can check that the medication is working.

Your endometrium is also measured and assessed to ensure it is ready to conceive.

Transvaginal scans are the preferred choice to optimise image quality when performing follicle tracking scans.

Results will be available immediately after your scan and we will provide a copy for you and your GP/Gynaecologist.

We can also forward scan reports and ultrasound images to your fertility clinic for review and advice and we will help you in every way possible as we understand this is a very anxious time for couples.

First Scan (baseline pelvic ultrasound): €180

Follicle Tracking: €120